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Non-Discrimination Notice

August 19, 2024

Dear TCA Staff, Parents, and Community,

The Classical Academy (TCA) is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination.  Respect for the dignity and worth of each individual shall be paramount.  Per Colorado State statute, all TCA educational programs, activities, and employment opportunities offered by the school are offered without regard to disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, national origin, religion, ancestry, or need for special educational services. With respect to employment practices, TCA does not discriminate on the basis of age, genetic information, and conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth.

Protecting against and not tolerating discrimination and harassment is consistent with TCA’s Core Values and our Creed, which states that “Titans love, respect, and protect one another.  Striving to be our best, do our best, and give our best to the world.” Policy AC-TCA: Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity  was updated in June. It and its corresponding policies outline the procedures on how students, parents, staff, and the community may file complaints and how TCA will work to resolve all complaints.

The Classical Academy is committed to conducting prompt investigations.  Any students or staff found to have engaged in any type of discrimination or harassment will be disciplined, and if circumstances warrant, suspension or expulsion of students may result.  Consequences of discrimination for employees may include, but are not limited to, termination of employment.  Let's work together to prevent all types of discrimination and harassment.

Any student, staff member, or parent should report any discrimination or harassment, including any Title IX, Section 504, or ADA complaints, to any TCA principal, counselor, or the following liaisons:

Cheryl Birkey                                                                                Myra Valdéz
Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator                                 Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator
975 Stout Road, Room 3422                                                       975 Stout Road, Room 1114
Colorado Springs, CO 80921                                                      Colorado Springs, CO 80921
719-488-6209                                                                               719-488-6220                                                           

We Are Titans!

Dr. Robert Thomason
TCA President