Central Elementary PTO
Welcome to Central Elementary PTO!
Join us for our Coffee, Snacks & Conversation at our monthly PTO meetings. They provide an excellent opportunity for parents to learn about all of the events and initiatives occurring at TCA Central. Your PTO Board wants to be a helpful resource for you as you show your support for the TCA Central Community.
Parental involvement is critical for a successful school. Dedicated teachers, staff, and parents help make TCA Central Elementary a great school! Join us – it’s rewarding, it’s important, and it’s fun! PTO is a great way to meet other parents and to learn more about how the school operates, its needs, and its plans for the future.
We hope you will find these webpages a useful resource. Please take the time to learn about TCA Central PTO’s Mission and goals and find a volunteer opportunity to fit your skills, availability, and strengths.
TCA Central is very fortunate to have such a strong parent support system. We thank you for your help and generosity!
Your PTO Board
Please check out our PTO committee information at the links below. If you are interested in volunteering, send an email to TCACentralPTO@gmail.com.
Central PTO News
PTO Meeting: Our next PTO meeting is Friday, March 7. We will be voting on 6 PTO Board positions. If you would like to run for a PTO Board Position (Vice President, Fundraising Coordinator or Secretary as well as 3 Member-at-large positions) please submit a short bio to tcacentralPTO@gmail.com by Feb 28.
Yearbook: Here is the link to upload photos for the Yearbook: https://images.jostens.com/0BvYTHsSrHGVrRIEamk6Uxg. Please keep this in a familiar place so you can help the Yearbook Leads by uploading all of the fun photos you take at class parties, Curriculum Days, and Field Trips throughout the year! Please no photos from outside of the school! Thank you!
Fundraisers: Thank you to everyone who attended the MOD Pizza fundraiser! It was a great time! We look forward to updating you with how much was raised very soon!
Staff Appreciation Month Lunches: We are looking for parents from all grades to train with our current teams so that we have a new set of volunteers next year for these beloved events! You should have received info from your room parent.
Get connected to the PTO!! Join our Facebook group: The Classical Academy Central PTO Group and email TCACentralPTO@gmail.com to be added to our email list.
If your child comes home in a loaned uniform from the office, it needs to be laundered and returned to the office for the next child in need!
Uniform Items Needed: The following uniform items are needed for the cubbies in the office. Thank you for your donations! Call/Text Shauna Boren, 801-400-8573, to arrange pickup:
- long-sleeved polos, size 5, 10,12
- shorts, size 12, 16
- short-sleeved polos, size 10, 12
- long-sleeved polo, size 12
King Soopers: Thank you so much to the 50 families who signed up for our King Soopers passive fundraiser recently!!! We raised $2473.64 in this quarter alone! Haven’t signed up yet? It’s easy and it doesn’t cost you a single penny!!! Link your King Soopers card to TCA and King Soopers will give a percentage of your purchases back to our school!
1. Log on to or create account with King Soopers/City Market/ Kroger…Click Menu
2. Click on Rewards
3. Click on Community rewards
4. Search for organization
5. Type in The Classical Academy
6. Filter-Education (236)- Scroll down to find TCA Central
That’s it! Every dollar you spend at the grocery store earns rewards for TCA!
Don't shop at King Soopers? No problem! There are other passive fundraising options as well. Just click on the link below for directions and options! You can share these options with grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends!
Did you know that the PTO exists to help parents and grandparents feel connected to TCA Central? Even if you can't be a part of the PTO meetings, signing up for the email distribution list will help keep you in the loop with what's happening in the school, volunteer opportunities, etc! Just email TCACentralPTO@gmail.com to get on the list! There are typically only a couple of emails per month.
Our mission is to help parents of The Classical Academy's Central Campus feel connected and informed. We will provide families with opportunities to bless and support our staff and assist our school as it endeavors to shape exemplary citizens.
2024-25 Central Elementary PTO Meetings
March 7
April 4
May 9
All meetings will be held in room 176 at 8:30 AM
Central PTO Documents
Central Elementary PTO Contacts
Kennedy Peters, President
Tayrn Pennau, Vice President
Megan Prensner, Secretary
Brandi Henderson, Treasurer
Helen Walters, Fundraising Coordinator
Danniel Cea, Member-at-Large
Katie Kinney, Member-at-Large
Jenn Kolk, Member-at-Large