About Cottage School Program (CSP)
About Cottage School Program (CSP)
The mission of The Classical Academy is to assist parents in developing exemplary citizens equipped with analytical thinking skills, virtuous character, and a passion for learning, all built upon a solid foundation of knowledge. The Cottage School Program at TCA adheres to this same mission statement and is specifically designed as a home school partnership program; we desire to uphold family instruction, core values, and educational direction developed at home. CSP exists to partner with parents in their role as the primary educators for their child’s instruction. CSP offers a K-6 Language Arts-emphasis program focused on Core Knowledge curriculum (not Common Core), Character Education, and Specials - Physical Education, Art, and Music. (Note that we do not teach reading, math, history, or science.) We are an academic program that requires parent support and involvement; we provide your child’s language arts curriculum and in-class instruction, and parents still have a role in working with their children in the area of Language Arts using materials that are sent home by the classroom teacher each week. Families/students in grades K-2 can anticipate 1-2 hours of CSP work to be completed at home each week; grades 3-6 average 2-3 hours of work each week.
In grades K-2:
Spalding instruction provides a foundation for phonemic awareness and literature appreciation; additionally, grade K-2 students receive essential writing and grammar instruction. Note: We do not explicitly teach reading; it is strongly recommended that families purchase a reading program and implement it on a daily basis at home. For additional information, click here.
In grades 3-6:
Students develop strong writing and grammar skills with the Institute of Excellence in Writing (IEW) curriculum. This writing program methodically guides students to improve their writing while melding pertinent grammar and vocabulary skills in each lesson. In addition to IEW, an array of literature lessons from various grade level selections is incorporated along with Greek/Latin Roots for enrichment.
Within each CSP classroom, you will also find:
Opportunities for children to learn in a positive classroom environment that embraces Charlotte Mason techniques, including hands-on experiential learning and narration. Socratic discussions and principles based upon the Trivium guide the lessons and interactions. With one full day class for 1st – 6th grade and two half-days for Kindergarten, home-educating families find that the Cottage School Program complements their busy schedule.
CSP offers community-networking opportunities:
K-6 students participate in grade-level field trips and all-school Field Day, and families are invited to attend extracurricular activities such as our annual music concerts, the Family Talent Show, the Art Show, and our end-of-year CSP gathering (off campus). Students in grades 3-6 also have the opportunity to join our art and music enrichment programs outside of school hours. CSP strives to provide an array of opportunities for homeschool families to experience community and network with each other.
CSP class schedules:
Students attend two half-days per week, either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday mornings (8:15-11:30am).
Grades 1st – 6th
Students attend one full day per week, each week (8:15am-3:30pm).
1st, 3rd, and 5th grades have the option to attend on either Wednesdays or Thursdays.
2nd, 4th, and 6th grades have the option to attend on either Mondays or Tuesdays.
CSP closely follows TCA’s full-time calendars. Specific details about CSP’s calendar can be found on the TCA homepage under the Family tab or by clicking here. The current year’s calendar as well as a draft for the following year are both published on the website. All students are required to adhere to TCA’s uniform policy when present for class. Our uniform policy can be found here and in our CSP handbook.
Enroll in CSP:
To begin your journey with CSP, simply go to the Registrar tab and locate the Wait List Process. New enrollment for all TCA/CSP classes are typically offered through the last day of September. Please keep in mind the exact date may vary slightly from year to year. Therefore, it would be best to check directly with the TCA Registrar for details.
Homeschooling – a rewarding endeavor:
Choosing to educate children at home is one of the most rewarding and challenging endeavors a family will ever experience. This decision does not come without sacrifice and even some days of frustration. As current and former home educators ourselves, we understand. CSP offers a safe, academic program. It lifts some of the burden of teaching and fills some voids many home school parents have expressed caused them to quit the journey before graduation. We have many veteran home school parents and staff “on call” to assist you. We look forward to the opportunity to partner with you to help your child find success in his/her Language Arts studies. Should you want further information, our Parent/Student Handbook and website are helpful resources. Additionally, you can contact the CSP Principal, Justin Peterson (jpeterson1@asd20.org), or CSP Assistant Principal, Stefani Hille (shille@asd20.org), at any time.
Thank you for considering CSP as your home school partner!