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HS Study Skills

Welcome to the HS Study Skills Department Page!

The Student Support Services (SSS) department partners with families and students to assist with learning differences that require specialized support via an Individualized Education Plan. We take a collaborative and targeted approach to provide students with appropriate access to instruction in the classroom and, ultimately, hope that they experience more success at school. Students who qualify for special education services per state/federal criteria may have a ‘study skills’ class in their schedule as an elective. The Classical Academy's SSS department follows and complies with State and Federal requirements to ensure we are providing a Free and Appropriate Education to all our students.  The Student Support Services Department is comprised of a team of specialists (i.e., speech pathologists, resource teachers, school psychologists, occupational therapists, paraprofessionals) at each of our campuses who share in the The Classical Academy’s mission and core values.  Please feel free to contact our Director of Student Support Services if you have questions, concerns or need assistance with helping your child.

Matt Sutton, Ed.S
Director of Student Support Services

Important Study Skills Documents