Why We Do Half-Day Kindergarten

Posted by Tisha Harris on 7/21/2023

While some schools may offer full-day kindergarten programs, TCA only offers half-day kindergarten sessions for a number of reasons.

Firstly, half-day kindergarten allows for a smoother transition from home to school for both children and parents. Young children may find it challenging to adjust to a full day of school, especially if they have never been in a structured classroom environment before. With half-day sessions, children are able to gradually acclimate to the classroom setting, and parents can better manage their child's schedule without needing to make childcare arrangements for a full day.

In addition, half-day kindergarten allows for a more focused learning experience. With a shorter school day, teachers can maximize instructional time and ensure that children are engaged and learning at a pace that is appropriate for their age. This also allows for more individualized attention and support for each child.

Parents at The Classical Academy also have the option to choose between morning or afternoon kindergarten sessions, depending on their schedules and preferences. This flexibility allows families to better manage their own schedules while still ensuring that their child is receiving a quality education.

Whether you choose the am or pm class times, our schedule has your child in class Monday through Thursday.  This leaves Fridays off. That day is sometimes utilized as a test or tutoring day for children needing some extra help with their work.  Otherwise, it allows for more family and play time.

There is still homework in kindergarten, but it is no more than 30 minutes. This helps to reinforce the skills learned in the classroom and prepare children for future academic success while not overloading them.

We also place a strong emphasis on specials which include art, music, and physical education. TCA’s music education begins in kindergarten. We believe it is important to give children the opportunity to develop a love of music from an early age. Some studies have shown that early music education also has other benefits such as improved language capabilities, better study habits, improved memory and increased hand-eye coordination.  Children will cultivate this love for music in our program and will eventually use those skills for band or choir in junior high and high school.

As you can see, our decision to offer half-day kindergarten here at TCA has been carefully made. A smoother transition to school, a more focused learning experience, flexibility for families, reinforcement of classroom skills, and a strong emphasis on the arts are all reasons we believe this is the correct choice for our students and your family.  We believe that this approach best serves the needs of our students and prepares them for a successful academic journey and prepares them to become exemplary citizens.

These are a few of our reasons, but if you would like to discuss our rationale for half-day kindergarten further or have questions about other aspects of our kindergarten program, please visit our website or call us at 719-484-0091. We will be happy to help you.